It is not that easy to make the right decision when it comes to solar plants. For that, we would like to offer you our solar calculator. With that you can make sure, if and how a solar thermal system can be helpful for creating warm water and supporting your heating system. With our solar plants by AKOTEC, it is possible to connect your washing machine or dishwasher with the hot water pipe and therefore to safe costs. You can easily figure out what would be the ideal solar plant for your needs. With only a few information, the system can calculate how many fossil fuels and how much money you can safe at the end. Do not only support your wallet, but more so the environment and nature. We are happy to assist you with any further questions!
PLEASE NOTE: Our solar calculator is (for now) only available in german!
Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäisches Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg. Mehr erfahren
Funded by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg. Read more