Among Thermomax's long list of achievements was the development and production of numerous heatpipe evacuated tube collectors, including the Mazdon series. In 2007 the family business Thermomax was sold to Kingspan. As a result, Kingspan expanded its product portfolio as a system providerIn 2017, Kingspan realigned its business areas, which led to the discontinuation of production of evacuated tube collectors in 2018. Many roofs around the world have evacuated tube collectors manufactured by Thermomax and Kingspan, but their production has been discontinued. The evacuated tubes are still operating, but storms are becoming more frequent and intense around the world. This may cause damage to the vacuum tube collectors. Thank goodness there is AKOTEC! AKOTEC offers suitable replacement tubes so that you do not have to replace the entire system. Please feel free to contact us without obligation. We also sell brands like Viessmann with Vitosol and Brötje with Solar Plus HD.
It is not so easy to distinguish TMA and TMO tubes because they look so similar. However, there are certain features that allow you to tell the two tubes apart. In the case of a corrugated stainless-steel tube between the glass tube and the condenser head, it is a dry-bonded tube.
It is only possible to recognize this characteristic after the tube has already been removed. If your solar system is still on the roof, you can determine which tube you need by one characteristic feature: the collector box. In most cases, collectors with TMA tubes have a rectangular, gray collector box.
Inquire about TMA replacement tubes now
Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie aus Mitteln des Europäisches Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg. Mehr erfahren
Funded by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg. Read more